Our goal is...
splash & spills*

Exposure to harmful contaminants and pathogens has long been an accepted risk of the calling of dedicated healthcare professionals. When an O.R. nurse invented the first generation of Neptune 3 two decades ago, she set in motion a new standard of care for safe suction and the containment of surgical fluid.

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Our goal is...
splash & spills*

splash & spills*

Exposure to harmful contaminants and pathogens has long been an accepted risk of the calling of dedicated healthcare professionals. When an O.R. nurse invented the first generation of Neptune 3 two decades ago, she set in motion a new standard of care for safe suction and the containment of surgical fluid.

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Procedural Oxygen Mask™

Safety. Simplicity. Innovation.

All in the same breath.

splash & spills*

Our goal is...
splash & spills*

Exposure to harmful contaminants and pathogens has long been an accepted risk of the calling of dedicated healthcare professionals. When an O.R. nurse invented the first generation of Neptune 3 two decades ago, she set in motion a new standard of care for safe suction and the containment of surgical fluid.

Neptune 3 is the only constantly closed waste management system on the market, where constant containment of surgical fluid, smoke, and airborne pathogens is possible. Filtration comes standard with Neptune 3’s fully integrated HEPA and ULPA filters.

Alongside Neptune 3’s beloved simple workflow and consistent suction, Neptune 3 constantly works to protect you from suctioned pathogens.

The risk of HIV transmission via fluid exposure is approximately 1 out of 1,000 incident.1

Neptune 3 offers up to 3.5x more efficient in room set-up, handling and maintenance when compared to an open system.2

Estimating fluid volume of traditional suction canisters yields error margins as high as 25%.3

0 splashing, spilling or exposure observed when the constantly closed system was in use.4

The risk of HIV transmission via fluid exposure is approximately 1 out of 1,000 incident.1

Neptune 3 offers up to 3.5x more efficient in room set-up, handling and maintenance when compared to an open system.2

Estimating fluid volume of traditional suction canisters yields error margins as high as 25%.3

**2mm or larger
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The risk of HIV transmission via fluid exposure is approximately 1 out of 1,000 incident.1

Neptune 3 offers up to 3.5x more efficient in room set-up, handling and maintenance when compared to an open system.2

Estimating fluid volume of traditional suction canisters yields error margins as high as 25%.3

0 splashing, spilling or exposure observed when the constantly closed system was in use.4

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Neptune 3
Our goal is zero splash & spills

Neptune 3 Floor Fluid Disposables

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SafeAir Compact







Safe by design

Safe by design

Safe by design

Safe by design


  • Neptune 3 offers hands-free disposable, no day-before canister prep and storage.
  • Patient-to-patient use with the quick change of a manifold.
  • Enables faster room turnover.
  • 24L of fluid capacity.
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Two-in-one solution

  • Widely installed across O.R.’s, Neptune 3 offers a comprehensive, readily-available fluid suction and smoke evacuation system.
  • Neptune 3's filters meet or exceed IEST and EN standards. Typical HEPA filtration efficiency of 99.97% at 0.3 microns. Typical ULPA filtration of 99.9997% efficiency at 0.1 microns and additional testing verifies that efficiency increases to 100% at 0.01 microns.5, 6
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  • Patented SealShut® technology locks away suctioned biohazards.
  • Designed by Stryker’s world-class engineers. Crucial Neptune 3 components are patented and meticulously regulated to ensure safe, consistent, reliable suction.
  • Each canister is controlled by a separate regulator valve designed to maintain the canister’s suction level at the user selected limit setting.
  • Multiple suction range indicators show whether you are in low, medium or high suction
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Count and scan with confidence
Backend Database with aggregated case data
Save time searching for missing sponges
Simplify workflow and streamline processes

Count us in on supporting a safer OR. Count us in on certainty when you need it most. Count us in on helping to make the journey to zero retained surgical sponges the reality for you, your staff and your patients.

“If it comes between doing what’s right and what’s easy, all of us should do what’s right.”

– Tom Siemers, CEO Dosher Memorial Hospital, on going smoke-free with Stryker Neptune 3 and SafeAir

Neptune 3 Floor Fluid Disposables

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Device 7
Top to bottom just in front of "cut" button
Side to side
Tip of the needle to end of pencil
Without tubing or wire
Without tubing or wire
Neptune SafeAir
0.488 in
0.488 in
7.50 in
14 gm
0.49 oz

SafeAir Accessories

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Together, our goal is zero. Partner with us today to start your journey.

How can we help you?

Together, our goal is zero. Partner with us today to start your journey.

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